Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I participate in auctions on A: To participate in auctions on, you need to create an account on our website. Once registered, you can browse the listed domain names and place bids on the ones you’re interested in. Follow the instructions provided on our website to place your bids and track the progress of the auctions.

Q: Are there any fees associated with using A: No, there are fees associated with using our platform. We only charge the final sale price of a domain.

Q: What payment methods are accepted on A: We accept various payment methods on our platform, including credit/debit cards, PayPal, and wire transfers. During the checkout process, you will be presented with the available payment options. Choose the method that is most convenient for you to complete your transaction.

Q: How is domain ownership transferred after a successful auction on A: After a successful auction, will initiate the domain ownership transfer. will  unlock the domain and provide the buyer with an authorisation code if necessary. The buyer can then initiate the domain transfer process with their preferred registrar or hosting provider. Detailed instructions on how to complete the transfer will be provided to the buyer.

Q: What happens if there is a dispute during or after an auction on A: In the event of a dispute during or after an auction, we have a dispute resolution process in place. We encourage buyers to communicate with us ( and attempt to resolve any issues amicably. If a resolution cannot be reached, Nominet team will be requested to mediate the dispute and work towards a fair and satisfactory outcome for all parties involved.

Q: How long do auctions typically last on A: The duration of auctions on can vary, which can range from a few hours to several days. The specific duration for each auction will be clearly stated in the auction listing.

Q: Which type of domains are for auction on A: We primarily focus on domain auctions for , .uk and .com domains. However, we may also support other domain extensions. Please check our website or contact our customer support to verify the domain extensions that are up for auction on our platform.